By signing up, you agree to receive communication from the association by e-mail.

To sign up, please indicate all the topics you'd like to hear about:
  • General announcements (open to all)
    About the whole association, new activities we might plan, etc.
    (This is also under this topic that we will communicate about our weekly classes to the intention of parents who don't have yet a child enrolled.)
  • Festivities (open to all)
    Our annual festivities such as la fête de la galette and la fête de fin d'année
  • Saturday activities (open to all)
    Les samedis des Loustics
  • Weekly classes (intended for parents of currently enrolled children only)
    News specific to the running of our weekly classes : dates de la bibliothèque, info sur les classes en cours, ...
The frequency of e-mails is from a handful of e-mails per school term (weekly classes) to a handful of e-mails a year (everything else). 
* indicates required

Ecole des Loustics will use the information you provide on this form to get in touch with you and to send you news about the association. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us:

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